504 research outputs found

    Low Space External Memory Construction of the Succinct Permuted Longest Common Prefix Array

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    The longest common prefix (LCP) array is a versatile auxiliary data structure in indexed string matching. It can be used to speed up searching using the suffix array (SA) and provides an implicit representation of the topology of an underlying suffix tree. The LCP array of a string of length nn can be represented as an array of length nn words, or, in the presence of the SA, as a bit vector of 2n2n bits plus asymptotically negligible support data structures. External memory construction algorithms for the LCP array have been proposed, but those proposed so far have a space requirement of O(n)O(n) words (i.e. O(nlogn)O(n \log n) bits) in external memory. This space requirement is in some practical cases prohibitively expensive. We present an external memory algorithm for constructing the 2n2n bit version of the LCP array which uses O(nlogσ)O(n \log \sigma) bits of additional space in external memory when given a (compressed) BWT with alphabet size σ\sigma and a sampled inverse suffix array at sampling rate O(logn)O(\log n). This is often a significant space gain in practice where σ\sigma is usually much smaller than nn or even constant. We also consider the case of computing succinct LCP arrays for circular strings

    Lightweight Lempel-Ziv Parsing

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    We introduce a new approach to LZ77 factorization that uses O(n/d) words of working space and O(dn) time for any d >= 1 (for polylogarithmic alphabet sizes). We also describe carefully engineered implementations of alternative approaches to lightweight LZ77 factorization. Extensive experiments show that the new algorithm is superior in most cases, particularly at the lowest memory levels and for highly repetitive data. As a part of the algorithm, we describe new methods for computing matching statistics which may be of independent interest.Comment: 12 page

    RLZAP: Relative Lempel-Ziv with Adaptive Pointers

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    Relative Lempel-Ziv (RLZ) is a popular algorithm for compressing databases of genomes from individuals of the same species when fast random access is desired. With Kuruppu et al.'s (SPIRE 2010) original implementation, a reference genome is selected and then the other genomes are greedily parsed into phrases exactly matching substrings of the reference. Deorowicz and Grabowski (Bioinformatics, 2011) pointed out that letting each phrase end with a mismatch character usually gives better compression because many of the differences between individuals' genomes are single-nucleotide substitutions. Ferrada et al. (SPIRE 2014) then pointed out that also using relative pointers and run-length compressing them usually gives even better compression. In this paper we generalize Ferrada et al.'s idea to handle well also short insertions, deletions and multi-character substitutions. We show experimentally that our generalization achieves better compression than Ferrada et al.'s implementation with comparable random-access times

    Tree Compression with Top Trees Revisited

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    We revisit tree compression with top trees (Bille et al, ICALP'13) and present several improvements to the compressor and its analysis. By significantly reducing the amount of information stored and guiding the compression step using a RePair-inspired heuristic, we obtain a fast compressor achieving good compression ratios, addressing an open problem posed by Bille et al. We show how, with relatively small overhead, the compressed file can be converted into an in-memory representation that supports basic navigation operations in worst-case logarithmic time without decompression. We also show a much improved worst-case bound on the size of the output of top-tree compression (answering an open question posed in a talk on this algorithm by Weimann in 2012).Comment: SEA 201

    The Tree Inclusion Problem: In Linear Space and Faster

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    Given two rooted, ordered, and labeled trees PP and TT the tree inclusion problem is to determine if PP can be obtained from TT by deleting nodes in TT. This problem has recently been recognized as an important query primitive in XML databases. Kilpel\"ainen and Mannila [\emph{SIAM J. Comput. 1995}] presented the first polynomial time algorithm using quadratic time and space. Since then several improved results have been obtained for special cases when PP and TT have a small number of leaves or small depth. However, in the worst case these algorithms still use quadratic time and space. Let nSn_S, lSl_S, and dSd_S denote the number of nodes, the number of leaves, and the %maximum depth of a tree S{P,T}S \in \{P, T\}. In this paper we show that the tree inclusion problem can be solved in space O(nT)O(n_T) and time: O(\min(l_Pn_T, l_Pl_T\log \log n_T + n_T, \frac{n_Pn_T}{\log n_T} + n_{T}\log n_{T})). This improves or matches the best known time complexities while using only linear space instead of quadratic. This is particularly important in practical applications, such as XML databases, where the space is likely to be a bottleneck.Comment: Minor updates from last tim

    Improving Matrix-vector Multiplication via Lossless Grammar-Compressed Matrices

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    As nowadays Machine Learning (ML) techniques are generating huge data collections, the problem of how to efficiently engineer their storage and operations is becoming of paramount importance. In this article we propose a new lossless compression scheme for real-valued matrices which achieves efficient performance in terms of compression ratio and time for linear-algebra operations. Ex- periments show that, as a compressor, our tool is clearly superior to gzip and it is usually within 20% of xz in terms of compression ratio. In addition, our compressed format supports matrix-vector multiplications in time and space proportional to the size of the compressed representation, unlike gzip and xz that require the full decompression of the compressed matrix. To our knowledge our lossless compressor is the first one achieving time and space com- plexities which match the theoretical limit expressed by the k-th order statistical entropy of the input. To achieve further time/space reductions, we propose column- reordering algorithms hinging on a novel column-similarity score. Our experiments on various data sets of ML matrices show that our column reordering can yield a further reduction of up to 16% in the peak memory usage during matrix-vector multiplication. Finally, we compare our proposal against the state-of-the-art Compressed Linear Algebra (CLA) approach showing that ours runs always at least twice faster (in a multi-thread setting), and achieves better compressed space occupancy and peak memory usage. This experimentally confirms the provably effective theoretical bounds we show for our compressed-matrix approach

    Wave Energy: a Pacific Perspective

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    This is the author's peer-reviewed final manuscript, as accepted by the publisher. The published article is copyrighted by The Royal Society and can be found at: http://rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org/.This paper illustrates the status of wave energy development in Pacific Rim countries by characterizing the available resource and introducing the region‟s current and potential future leaders in wave energy converter development. It also describes the existing licensing and permitting process as well as potential environmental concerns. Capabilities of Pacific Ocean testing facilities are described in addition to the region‟s vision of the future of wave energy

    Graphs Cannot Be Indexed in Polynomial Time for Sub-quadratic Time String Matching, Unless SETH Fails

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    The string matching problem on a node-labeled graph G= (V, E) asks whether a given pattern string P has an occurrence in G, in the form of a path whose concatenation of node labels equals P. This is a basic primitive in various problems in bioinformatics, graph databases, or networks, but only recently proven to have a O(|E||P|)-time lower bound, under the Orthogonal Vectors Hypothesis (OVH). We consider here its indexed version, in which we can index the graph in order to support time-efficient string queries. We show that, under OVH, no polynomial-time indexing scheme of the graph can support querying P in time O(| P| + | E| δ| P| β), with either δ< 1 or β< 1. As a side-contribution, we introduce the notion of linear independent-components (lic) reduction, allowing for a simple proof of our result. As another illustration that hardness of indexing follows as a corollary of a lic reduction, we also translate the quadratic conditional lower bound of Backurs and Indyk (STOC 2015) for the problem of matching a query string inside a text, under edit distance. We obtain an analogous tight quadratic lower bound for its indexed version, improving the recent result of Cohen-Addad, Feuilloley and Starikovskaya (SODA 2019), but with a slightly different boundary condition.Peer reviewe

    Managing Compressed Structured Text

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    [Definition]: Compressing structured text is the problem of creating a reduced-space representation from which the original data can be re-created exactly. Compared to plain text compression, the goal is to take advantage of the structural properties of the data. A more ambitious goal is that of being able of manipulating this text in compressed form, without decompressing it. This entry focuses on compressing, navigating, and searching structured text, as those are the areas where more advances have been made

    Composite repetition-aware data structures

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    In highly repetitive strings, like collections of genomes from the same species, distinct measures of repetition all grow sublinearly in the length of the text, and indexes targeted to such strings typically depend only on one of these measures. We describe two data structures whose size depends on multiple measures of repetition at once, and that provide competitive tradeoffs between the time for counting and reporting all the exact occurrences of a pattern, and the space taken by the structure. The key component of our constructions is the run-length encoded BWT (RLBWT), which takes space proportional to the number of BWT runs: rather than augmenting RLBWT with suffix array samples, we combine it with data structures from LZ77 indexes, which take space proportional to the number of LZ77 factors, and with the compact directed acyclic word graph (CDAWG), which takes space proportional to the number of extensions of maximal repeats. The combination of CDAWG and RLBWT enables also a new representation of the suffix tree, whose size depends again on the number of extensions of maximal repeats, and that is powerful enough to support matching statistics and constant-space traversal.Comment: (the name of the third co-author was inadvertently omitted from previous version